HOMEPAGE | Dispute Resolution


In compliance with Article 18 of Law 144/2105, it is hereby advised that the consumer for alternative dispute resolution should contact FFittech via the email geral@ffittech.com or the following competent Authority for Alternative Dispute Resolution:

CNIACC - Centro Nacional de Informação e Arbitragem de Conflitos de Consumo

Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Nova de Lisboa - Campus de Campolide
1099-032 Lisboa

For more information, consult the Consumer Portal at http://www.consumidor.gov.pt/.


The European Commission has set up the ODS platform for the alternative settlement of disputes between consumers and traders on sales contracts or on-line services, ie those on which the trader or his intermediary offers, on a website or through of other electronic means, goods or services that the consumer orders on the same website or through other electronic means.

For more information consult the European Online Dispute Resolution Platform: https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/